Looking Back: Blood Claws

The real magic of the Space Wolves had to be in its youngest and most ferocious of troop choices: the Blood Claws. The youngbloods of the Chapter were cheap, comparatively expendable, and absolutely destroyed the opposition if given the charge. Nowhere else in 40K could you find an 9-man squad (if you included a Wolf Guard Pack Leader) that could dish out 12 power fist attacks on the charge!

An early Blood Claw (one of the first ones I made!) was fortunate enough to receive a special order Gorkamorka power claw as his power fist - none of his battle brothers ever make fun of him for it.

At some point in time, I decided to bitz up a Blood Claw with a flamer - too bad that poor chap never sees combat because I'm too afraid to use it (the poor buggers would be screwed if the enemy fell back out of assault range).

In the end, I had about 25-30 Blood Claws, with 5 of them having some kind of power fist. Several pictures to follow. Enjoy.


BoomBoomChicky said...

Could you post a painting tutorial? That blue just seems perfect for my own personal chapter.

BoomBoomChicky said...

Could you post a painting tutorial? That blue just seems perfect for my own personal chapter.